Innovative business of the year

Innovation Award is open to all businesses in the South Devon region regardless of size, ownership, sector or length of trading. This award is for businesses which have demonstrated a ground-breaking approach to developing new products or services. Judges will consider all aspects of the innovation process from research and design to strategy and launch activity. They will also look at commercial success achieved by the product or service.

Entry criteria
Judges will want to know why the innovation is so unique and to have a clear understanding of how the business plans to realise its commercial potential. All aspects of the innovation process from research and design, strategy, launch activity and the degree of commercial success achieved by the product or service.

  • Please tell us about your success story?
  • What did you want to change? What were your objectives? How did you go about it?
  • Please list your achievements below. Please quantify these as far as possible with your most recent results. What benchmarks are you comparing them to demonstrate your progress?
  • In no more than 500 words, please provide a brief description of your business.